Tuesday, September 30, 2014
PLAS is collecting money to be given to the family of DeMario Harris, the CHHS student who passed away over the weekend, to help with funeral expenses. If you would like to help please send a $1.00.
Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

We will learn the letter T, t as in table this week. We will learn the sound it makes and how to write it. Starting this week, we will begin learning blends. Blends are consonants added to a vowel to make a beginning sound. For example, the T blends are ta, te, ti, to, tu. All short sounds. Please make flashcards at home with these blends.You may have noticed the mini flashcards that came home with your child on Friday. When your child can tell me the letter AND its sound, they will EARN that card and get to bring it home. I will be making a big deal out of them earning these cards, so please do so at home too! :) We have worked really hard on the vowels, and I am so proud of you kiddos!!
Our unit this week is all about FALL! We will learn about the season and do some cool crafts and artwork.
We will learn to write and recognize the number 6. We will continue to review numbers 1-5 and count!

Important Dates:
Monday, October 6 - In service day for teachers-NO school for kids
October 13-15 - Fall Break
October 23 - Fall Festival 6pm-8pm
October 27-31 - Homecoming Week. The homecoming parade will be Thursday evening. We will let out of school at noon on Friday. I send more details as I get them...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

This Week

We will be learning the letter O, o as in ostrich! We will learn the sound it makes and how to write it. We will also be learning how to write the number 5. This can be another tricky number. I tell them to write a number 5 you need a short stick, fat belly, and a hat. Please continue to practice the letters and numbers we have learned so far at home!!
Our unit this week is all about apples! We will do cute activities and crafts with apples. I know this is short notice, but if you can, please send your child one apple of his/her choice on Friday. Not cut up or anything, just a whole apple. And any color they want.

The book fair is still here this week.
Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 15 - 19

We will be learning the letter A, a as in apple! We will learn its sound and how to write it! Please practice at home and continue to practice the ones we've learned so far! If you have not already, please make flash cards to use at home!! We are doing them at school and I can really tell a difference! The kids get so excited when they get them correct!
We will also learn how to write the number 4! The kids worked really hard on numbers 2 and 3 last week. Please practice them at home!! We will continue to count way past 4!
Grandparent's Day is this Friday at 10am. Please dress your child in their PLA shirt (we are supposed to be getting them this week,) shorts/skirts and a baseball cap. It doesn't matter what kind. They will come to school at regular time and will stay in the classroom until I take them into the cafeteria for the performance. Please make sure you tell Grandparents to go straight to the cafeteria and wait for us there. After the program, the Grandparents will come to our classroom. They will get their gift and then your child is free to leave with them. We are looking forward to a GREAT day! We are practicing every day on the stage for the program. So far, so good! :)
I need 1 more volunteer to work the 7:45-8:00 time slot at the Fall Festival! Thank you SO much to those who have volunteered already!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014
Stephen Fite concert money is due tomorrow, September 12. $12 total in a labeled envelope or baggie.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Red, White & Blue

The Excel Club is asking everyone to wear red, white & blue tomorrow in observance of 9/11
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fall Festival

Fall Festival Time Slots:

6:00-6:15 - Aileen Gardiner
6:15-6:30 - Kerri Taylor
6:30-6:45 - Cindy Haisten
6:45-7:00 - Ashley Powell
7:00-7:15 - Jennifer Richards
7:15-7:30 - Sally Arn
7:30-7:45 - Lee Campbell
7:45-8:00 - Ashley Price
Monday, September 8, 2014

Muffins with Mom

Muffins with Mom is this Friday, September 12 at 7:15 a.m. in the cafetorium. The cost is $5 per family. I hope you all can make it!
Friday, September 5, 2014

Next Week (Sept.8-12)

I will not be introducing a new letter or number next week. We had a short week this week and I feel like we need the extra practice. We will review the letters U,u and E,e and numbers 2 and 3. Please keep practicing at home! I can tell a HUGE difference in those who are getting the little extra practice!!

Our unit next week is PETS! We will have a fun week talking about all the different pets and doing some cute crafts. Please send a picture of your child with his or her pet. I need the picture before Wednesday! I will keep reviewing color words and shapes next week too!! Most are doing awesome with these!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2 - 5

I hope you all had a great long weekend!

We will learn about the letter E, e as in elephant and egg. We will learn how to write it and the sound that it makes. This can be difficult for some, especially the little e, so be prepared to practice at home. Please refer to the manuscript guide I gave you at Open House! This is the best way to know exactly how I am teaching it to them at school. I can not tell you enough how much you practicing with them at home helps. I am so proud of the ones who are practicing. I can see a HUGE difference! Thank you!! I know it isn't always easy, but it really does help. We started learning how to write the number 3 today. If you thought 2 was hard, just wait until you have to help with 3! We will continue to review all the letters and numbers learned so far.
Our unit this week is SHAPES. Most already know their shapes, but some are still questioning a few. We will learn triangle, square, rectangle, oval, circle, diamond and even talk about octagon and hexagon.

In the supply list I gave out at Open House, I asked for bandaides but have not received any yet. We have needed them on several occasions and have had to borrow some from other teachers. Instead of getting 10 boxes of bandaides, I am asking that the girls send bandaides and for the boys to send ziploc bags. Both of these will be greatly appreciated!!

I will send home the September lunch menu tomorrow for those who are interested in ordering. The kids are doing great with lunch.

Remember, when you go over the papers in their Friday folder, make sure they are with you and you talk about each thing. Reinforcement from the both of us is better than just from me.

Also, to the parents I emailed about missing forms, PLEASE make sure those are turned in ASAP!!

This Friday is a home football game! Wear your red, white and blue!! If you have not purchased tattoos you may do so Thursday. Tattoos have to be applied at home!! I will not put them on at school. We will have a pep rally that day. If you want to take your child, please go to the main office and Mrs. Trecy will call for your child to meet you at the office. This eliminates chaos and confusion for those who are not attending.

Have a great week!